Not doing this because you are "afraid of what you'll find" could be the
death knell of your business. To move from good to great, you must face
brutal facts and improve that which needs improving. Be unwavering on this.
Perform searches for your company on the main social media platforms:
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIN. What are people saying? Is it
accurate? Don't get defensive if you find something negative. In fact, those
can be valuable business insights. If a blogger flames your company, don't
ask: "How can we get rid of this post? Ask: "Are they right? What can we do
to fix it?" Then fix it and let them know you're fixing it.
I also advise against leaning too heavily on technologies for online
reputation defense and "sentiment analysis." I speak from personal
experience: At the time of this writing, even the very best technologies
miss critical posts, misjudge "sentiment" and lack the "human element" so
important to effective brand management. Your brand is too important to
leave to chance. Put human eyes on this stuff.