Effective Internet Marketing Internet marketing isn't always the easiest thing to do. However there is one key to effective internet marketing that far too many people overlook. So, what is it that they don't do? They don't make a plan. To be fair, a lot of internet marketers think they have a plan, but saying "I'm going to make some money" is not a plan. Perhaps that's one of the primary reasons why franchises are so popular. They present a very detailed plan for just about every aspect of running a business. But we are talking about internet marketing, not a traditional bricks and mortar business. So, what you really need for effective internet marketing is a business plan. Let's be blunt, creating a business plan is going to take time and effort. Without one, however, you will be wandering aimlessly through your business and bringing in money in a way that's too hit or miss. You may do okay without one, but you won...
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