1. It is more affordable than other forms of advertising - just a normal
text message fee.
2. You can reach out to people anywhere. You are not limited to your
physical area, but to wherever the mobile phone is you are trying to reach.
3. The response rate is higher than with a flyer or classified advertising.
4. The mobile device is a personal item belonging to only one person. You
can, therefore, target your marketing more precisely to that person or a
group of people like him.
5. The mobile device has joined the wallet and keys as something you always
take with you. This means that you can reach your customer anywhere, at any
time and that they will read your message almost instantly and act on it.
6. It is easy to pay from a mobile device as payment processors are built
into them.
7. You can track the payments back to the mobile number which means you can
create a profile of your customer and his buying preferences.
8. You can accurately measure...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?