Content Planning and Structure
Planning how you will structure any WordPress website build and how you will
make use of different content types is crucial to the site's success. By
taking the time to consider your options at the beginning, you will save
time, headaches and possibly money too.
It's tempting to jump straight into installing WordPress and firing up a
code editor, without taking the time to consider what the site should
contain. Avoid that temptation. Keep in mind that a website's success
depends on its content, so you need a very solid understanding of what
content will be displayed on the site, how it will be structured, and how
users will interact with it.
Four questions to help you structure your content:
Some clients will not have given much thought to the site's content yet,
whereas others will have a detailed content plan. Either way, there are
specific questions you can ask that will help you work together to ensure
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?