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Showing posts from September 24, 2012

Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Page

Ultimate Landing Page and Coming Soon Page Create a landing page or coming soon page and collect emails. my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today." If you have any questions or comments please contact me. Regards Gerald Website: E-mail: Twitter: WebcraftGuru Facebook: Webcraft Guru I'm protected by SpamBrave

Make Your Web Content Viral

Make Your Web Content Viral One of the best ways to drive massive traffic to your site in a short period of time is through the creation of viral content or linkbait. Linkbait is created with the sole purpose of driving more traffic to your website through links and bookmarks. Content that is successful in this regard typically does not have any indication of being linkbait. You need to make sure that your content is very useful to readers and that it is not an obvious attempt at creating linkbait. The moment that a visitor comes to your site, they must be able to see the value that your content provides for them. Keep it Simple If you want to make a particular piece of content viral, keep it simple. The key is to attract a general audience. Many visitors write off articles that are overly complex. Keep it easy to swallow and understand to increase your chances of creating linkbait. Encourage People to Share and Distribute the Content If you have a...

Viral Advertising Perfect for Web Marketing

Viral Advertising Perfect for Web Marketing When someone speaks about viral marketing or viral advertising they are referring to marketing techniques that use a variety of social networks or similar vehicles to increase product awareness and sales. In effect, modern methods of promotion on the Internet are really just updated versions of old fashioned word of mouth advertising. However, the wide variety of methods available, combined with the huge amount of activity on the Internet, make this form of advertising extremely powerful. Viral Marketing can be a very effective and inexpensive way to create exponential growth and quickly increase visibility. If implemented properly, a viral advertising campaign can reach tremendous numbers of potential customers at a low cost and in a short period of time. As the name implies, it relies on spreading information among people who interact with each other. The primary concept behind viral promotion entails deliveri...

Ways to Go Viral

Although there is a debate as to when the term viral marketing really originated, it did rise in popularity in the mid to late 90's. Viral marketing works just like a virus. One person reads a marketing message, gets infected by it and passes it onto another person. The better the message, the more it spreads. And the term viral marketing is born! There are many methods and techniques for spreading your viral marketing message. The explosion of social media marketing has brought viral marketing to new heights. But along with social media there are also more traditional ways to spread your marketing virus. Below are ten totally doable ways to launch and propel your viral marketing campaign. 1. Free eBook - eBooks have been a very popular and effective means of viral marketing for quite some time. Compile a free PDF eBook using articles you have written, useful information, resources, etc., and start spreading that virus. Offer the eBook to your visitors f...

Successful Viral Engagement

Going viral is the holy grail of any online ad campaign, or really any effort at online exposure, period. It's akin to a TV show becoming a hit, or a movie raking in blockbuster gross sales. It can even be compared to a toy or item of clothing becoming the "hot" thing for the season. So are these all comparable, or really just the same thing? What exactly is something that's "gone viral" and why do some things "go viral" while others don't? Can this be predicted, or is it completely up to a whim or some ethereal "x factor" that some things have and others just don't? The Facts of ( Viral ) Life So what does viral mean? Viral refers to something that self-propagates, or in the marketing sense, something that spreads by word-of-mouth, peer-to-peer, as opposed to strictly from an official advertisement. Going viral is valuable because the intended audience does all the heavy advertising work for you, id...