Don't Forget the Smart Phone!
We've all heard the now familiar and slightly gross statistic pictured to
the right: 4.8 billion people worldwide own a cell phone, while only 4.2
billion own a tooth brush. It's shocking just how much mobile phones are
taking over our lives. Smart phones and internet-enabled devices are
experiencing the largest area of growth. The phenomenon of iPhones has grown
10 times faster than the last technology revolution, America Online. If
you're using email marketing to nurture your leads into clients and your
clients into repeat sales, you can't ignore mobile optimizing.
Over 75% of smartphone users are reading emails on their phones regularly.
If you fail to send out emails they can open and read, chances are they
might not open the content in the future. We've compiled several useful tips
and tools to ensure the 91% percent of American adults who keep their cell
phones in reach 24/7 won't miss your mess...
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