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Showing posts from July 21, 2012

Twitter in 2012

Twitter in 2012 I'm protected by SpamBrave

Social Media Gone Bad

Social Media Gone Bad An interesting thing happened to me the other day. In the course of performing routine search engine marketing tasks, I received a message from someone who had just "liked" one of my Facebook fan pages, Marketing Ideas 101. The message read: "Hey, I just liked your Facebook fan page! Please like mine back!" ~ Random Now, I don't know about you, but every time this happens to me, I feel awkward. What if I look at this person's page and determine it's junk? What if it's spammy? What if it holds little value in the world at all? The burden! The obligation! All from a single note from someone I've never met! Gasp. What if I don't like their page? I try to bring value to my websites. I try to inject interesting content, helpful tips and a wealth of wisdom in my contributions to the Internet community. In addition, it takes a lot to "wow" me. I've never just "liked," or...

Social Media Mistakes

Social Media Mistakes Incomplete profile I cannot understand why many people leave their profiles incomplete. If you want to jump start a good business, you want your future clients to know you. It will not take you years to complete filling up your profile, so if you are serious with your business, completing your profile is one of the first things you should do. Doing this includes uploading pictures and writing other relevant data. Your profile is your first selling point. Customers want to deal with real people and not with robots. A complete profile builds up your identity to your customers. Bad Content Bad content drives away potential customers. If you're a businessman, you should stuff your social media account with fresh and good content only. Yes, you shouldn't leave your account idle, but you shouldn't fill it with a lot of nonsense or a lot of negative content either. Spamming You should be careful not to post repetiti...

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration Social media is now a very important part of everyday life. Individuals use it as a way to connect with like-minded people. More and more businesses are seeing the potential that social media, and in particular, Twitter has for expanding their businesses, and for helping small businesses gain the recognition they need to grow and prosper. Making a Plan A Marketing Action Plan is designed to give businesses, and in particular, small businesses, a sense of direction with regard to their Twitter use. This type of plan is essentially a list of things to tweet about. This may include links to blog posts, company news, relevant industry news, important announcements or special offers. Retailers and other businesses that rely on customers making purchases for conversion need to create a plan that will allow them to reach those people, and to develop a social networking relationship with them so that they want to do business with the com...

How to Use Social Media for SEO

How to Use Social Media for SEO There are numerous benefits to engaging in social media marketing. Some are tangible (number of Likes, Fans and followers) and some are not (enhanced customer service, brand recognition and developing lasting relationships). You may not fully "get" social media, but you can't deny that it is important and should be included in your overall marketing campaign. Social media is here to stay, and it is up to you to make sure your company uses it to their best advantage. SEO is another field of online marketing that has earned itself a permanent spot in the marketing campaigns of many companies. With millions of searches being conducted every day, a company that can't be found in the search engines is practically invisible. SEO isn't just about ranking well; it's about building your online brand. There are many factors that affect how a site ranks in the search engines and SEO is about optimizing your site...

Social Media: It's All About Relationships

Social Media: It's All About Relationships First and foremost, use social media to form genuine connections with your customers and potential customers. Engage your followers by responding to their posts, tweets and comments. Show a genuine interest and they'll return the sentiment - and will probably tell others about your business. As detailed in Google's ZMOT macro study, 19 percent of shoppers engage in sharing and social behavior when deciding what to buy and where to buy it. 14 percent of users engage in mobile behaviors, like using their smartphone to find directions or search for a product, during that same stage. If you have any questions or comments please contact me. Regards Gerald Website: E-mail: Twitter: WebcraftGuru Facebook: Webcraft Guru I'm protected by SpamBrave

Social Media: Create a Buzz

Social Media: Create a Buzz Social media is an excellent way to keep your followers, customers and fans engaged with all the latest about your business. Are you launching a new product, doing a media event or opening a new location? Make sure to spread the word about upcoming events through social media. Is anything about your business related to a current newsworthy event or trend? You can make, strengthen and enhance that connection by talking about it on social media. Have an idea for a clever YouTube video related to your business? If it's within your budget, create it and post to your YouTube channel. Be sure to link to it via all your other social media outlets. If it strikes a chord with the public, it could even go viral. If you have any questions or comments please contact me. Regards Gerald Website: E-mail: Twitter: WebcraftGuru Facebook: Webcraft Guru I'm protected by SpamBrave http:...