Social Media Integration
Social media is now a very important part of everyday life. Individuals use
it as a way to connect with like-minded people. More and more businesses are
seeing the potential that social media, and in particular, Twitter has for
expanding their businesses, and for helping small businesses gain the
recognition they need to grow and prosper.
Making a Plan
A Marketing Action Plan is designed to give businesses, and in particular,
small businesses, a sense of direction with regard to their Twitter use.
This type of plan is essentially a list of things to tweet about. This may
include links to blog posts, company news, relevant industry news, important
announcements or special offers. Retailers and other businesses that rely on
customers making purchases for conversion need to create a plan that will
allow them to reach those people, and to develop a social networking
relationship with them so that they want to do business with the company.
More and more companies are turning to marketing agencies to develop and run
marketing campaigns for various forms of social media, Twitter included.
Taking advantage of the expertise of a dedicated marketing firm can aid a
company in entering or recapturing their name in the realm of social media.
Building Relationships
Active interaction is the key to Twitter success for any one, but especially
for small businesses. Businesses need to learn to balance the business end
of their tweeting with more social tweeting. The best way to do this is by
building a relationship with followers or people the company follows. Make a
point of looking at content that other Twitter users are sharing and share
that. Twitter is all about sharing, and the more content from across the
Internet that people tweet, the less boring their own content will seem.
Spacing Tweets Far Enough Apart
It isn't uncommon for small businesses, or for self-employed people, to use
automated tweeting services. These services typically charge a monthly fee,
and the extent of what is possible with each service varies according to the
fees they charge. Using such a service to schedule tweets is definitely
advantageous, provided the tweets are scheduled at reasonable intervals. If
fellow Twitter users see nothing but tweets from one person or business in
their timelines, and tweets prevent them from seeing everything easily, they
will be annoyed. They may unfollow those offenders, or report them for spam.
Content such as blog posts or other content that isn't time sensitive should
not be tweeted more often than every fifteen minutes. Never tweet news or
company announcements excessively.
Regular conversation occurs either because of following a hashtag or because
of conversation with someone whose content of interest is taking place in
real time, so there is no danger of being seen as a spammer. Share fun silly
things about the day's events. It proves that the business is real and not
some bot tweeting information.
Ratio of Followers to Following
Every Twitter user wants to have lots of followers, but aggressive following
or using an automated service to find followers may cause more trouble than
it's worth. Look for specific types of followers such as those who have an
obvious interest in what your business has to offer. Make a point of looking
for people to follow and following those who have common interests, or
follow similar businesses. Watch the way that other businesses conduct
themselves on Twitter and use that as an example of what to do or what not
to do.
Those who get the most out of Twitter are willing to give to others. Those
who retweet content and engage with other people are going to amass more
followers and more respect. Remember to take advantage of well-known Twitter
traditions such as Follow Friday (#ff). In mentioning other people or
retweeting content, businesses create a presence that helps to build a pool
of followers. A business that sells a product should keep abreast of what
people say about them on Twitter. Successful businesses and/or brands
benefit from unpaid testimonials from real Twitter users. In return, offer a
coupon or discount code for the product that the user likes. Those who learn
to take advantage of all that Twitter offers wind up with the best free
marketing plan and outreach system anywhere.
If you have any questions or comments please contact me.
Regards Gerald
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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Social media is now a very important part of everyday life. Individuals use
it as a way to connect with like-minded people. More and more businesses are
seeing the potential that social media, and in particular, Twitter has for
expanding their businesses, and for helping small businesses gain the
recognition they need to grow and prosper.
Making a Plan
A Marketing Action Plan is designed to give businesses, and in particular,
small businesses, a sense of direction with regard to their Twitter use.
This type of plan is essentially a list of things to tweet about. This may
include links to blog posts, company news, relevant industry news, important
announcements or special offers. Retailers and other businesses that rely on
customers making purchases for conversion need to create a plan that will
allow them to reach those people, and to develop a social networking
relationship with them so that they want to do business with the company.
More and more companies are turning to marketing agencies to develop and run
marketing campaigns for various forms of social media, Twitter included.
Taking advantage of the expertise of a dedicated marketing firm can aid a
company in entering or recapturing their name in the realm of social media.
Building Relationships
Active interaction is the key to Twitter success for any one, but especially
for small businesses. Businesses need to learn to balance the business end
of their tweeting with more social tweeting. The best way to do this is by
building a relationship with followers or people the company follows. Make a
point of looking at content that other Twitter users are sharing and share
that. Twitter is all about sharing, and the more content from across the
Internet that people tweet, the less boring their own content will seem.
Spacing Tweets Far Enough Apart
It isn't uncommon for small businesses, or for self-employed people, to use
automated tweeting services. These services typically charge a monthly fee,
and the extent of what is possible with each service varies according to the
fees they charge. Using such a service to schedule tweets is definitely
advantageous, provided the tweets are scheduled at reasonable intervals. If
fellow Twitter users see nothing but tweets from one person or business in
their timelines, and tweets prevent them from seeing everything easily, they
will be annoyed. They may unfollow those offenders, or report them for spam.
Content such as blog posts or other content that isn't time sensitive should
not be tweeted more often than every fifteen minutes. Never tweet news or
company announcements excessively.
Regular conversation occurs either because of following a hashtag or because
of conversation with someone whose content of interest is taking place in
real time, so there is no danger of being seen as a spammer. Share fun silly
things about the day's events. It proves that the business is real and not
some bot tweeting information.
Ratio of Followers to Following
Every Twitter user wants to have lots of followers, but aggressive following
or using an automated service to find followers may cause more trouble than
it's worth. Look for specific types of followers such as those who have an
obvious interest in what your business has to offer. Make a point of looking
for people to follow and following those who have common interests, or
follow similar businesses. Watch the way that other businesses conduct
themselves on Twitter and use that as an example of what to do or what not
to do.
Those who get the most out of Twitter are willing to give to others. Those
who retweet content and engage with other people are going to amass more
followers and more respect. Remember to take advantage of well-known Twitter
traditions such as Follow Friday (#ff). In mentioning other people or
retweeting content, businesses create a presence that helps to build a pool
of followers. A business that sells a product should keep abreast of what
people say about them on Twitter. Successful businesses and/or brands
benefit from unpaid testimonials from real Twitter users. In return, offer a
coupon or discount code for the product that the user likes. Those who learn
to take advantage of all that Twitter offers wind up with the best free
marketing plan and outreach system anywhere.
If you have any questions or comments please contact me.
Regards Gerald
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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