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Showing posts from July 11, 2012

Revolutionary Marketing Technology at Your Fingertips

Revolutionary Marketing Technology at Your Fingertips Take blogging, for instance. While many business owners have a blog, most do not blog on a weekly basis. They either can't find the time to blog, or they can't come up with anything to write about week in and week out. What they don't seem to understand is that blogging is one of the best ways to reach out and engage both prospects and customers alike. They also don't realize that the average business owner literally trips over ideas, human interest stories and pearls of wisdom that would be of interest to the public on almost a daily basis. The problem is that when they come upon these concepts they fail to make note of them by either writing or photographing these gems as soon as they occur, even when they have the perfect device to perform both these chores right on their hip. That's right, a smartphone is the easiest way to capture any moment for posterity that has ever been in...