Unique WordPress Plugins You Didn't Know You Needed
There are a lot of plugins available on the web for the WordPress blogging
platform. Many bloggers know that they at least need basic SEO plugins in
order to boost their position in the search engine rankings. While some
bloggers may also search for specific plugins based on specific needs that
they have for their particular blog, there are some plugins out there with
functionality that bloggers may not even know they need! Here are some
unique WordPress plugins that all bloggers can use that will do "the little
things" to help your blog reach the top of the search engines.
SEO Post Link:
Your post slug is the portion of your post's URL that represents that
particular post. WordPress automatically generates these URL-friendly
versions of your post title for you, which means that every word of your
post title usually ends up in your post's URL. This can definitely hurt your
rankings ...
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