There is no call that strikes fear in the heart of a business owner quite
like the one where your friend calls and asks, "Um, have you looked at your
website recently? It looks like it might have been hacked." Ugh. What do you
do when you realize your website was hacked?
Website Hacked
Have backed up your site recently. Yes, I realize it is a bit odd to start
this list with an item in the present perfect tense. But, I am assuming most
of you reading this right now haven't been hacked yet. I have caught you in
time! Before it happens, get in the habit of backing up your site regularly.
Your options are much better and trust me, the pit in your stomach won't be
as deep if you know there is a recent backup of your site that exists in the
world. There are many good options for WordPress plugins that automatically
back up a WordPress site on a regular basis. One that Spring Insight uses
for its clients is ManageWP. This service allows us to run ...
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