How Write & Create Good Web Content
Good content may be categorized by multiple affirmative adjectives,
which could include – engaging, informative, entertaining, unique,
personal, amusing, educational, authoritative, persuasive and, above all
– original.
Don't cheat or steal… No copying, plagiarism, duplication, scraping or
other nefarious shortcuts! The moment you copy other people's efforts
you are (at best) immediately second best!
What is Web Content?
Well, it's not just what you "see" on any given page. The concept of
good content must extend to the entire website, all its descriptive
elements, and many of its functional aspects, including;
* Pages: headings, paragraphs, images, image alt text, anchor text &
hyperlink titles
* Posts, Categories & Tags: ditto
* Navigation: link text, hyperlink titles
* URLs: file names on all pages, posts, categories, tags and images
* Business Brand: be unequivocal about...
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