What Topics Should I Cover In My Articles?
As you're writing articles for article marketing, you may wonder what sorts
of topics are appropriate for you to write about.
Can you write an article about one topic but then have a link in the
resource box going to a website on a completely unrelated topic?
This is an excellent question on a topic that can dramatically impact the
success of your article marketing campaign:
What topics should you cover in your articles?
You should always write articles on the general topic of your website.
For example, if your website is about dog training, then all of your
articles should be on topics related to dog training.
Why in the world does it matter what your article topic is so long as you
have a link going back to your website in the resource box?
Put yourself in your reader's shoes for a minute:
If a reader is getting value from your educational article on dog training,
he will likely be interested in...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?