The Personal Branding Myth You often hear celebrities talk about 'Their Brand' as if they were a laundry detergent, a notion that reveals a lack of understanding of the differences between brand and personality. It's the equivalent of people talking about themselves in the third person; something that is oft-putting, and often a sign of a narcissistic personality disorder, not surprising, considering the arrogance that can develop from being catered to by media and fans. Personal Branding is nothing more than another way of saying 'self-promotion.' Unfortunately, it often crosses the line that separates marketing your business and that icky feeling you get when you hear over-hyped media stars talking about themselves as if they were products. Unfortunately, this trend has crept into the realm of entrepreneurial marketing, a trend that does not serve the entrepreneur well when brand is confused with an individual's personality. Number 6: "I will not be pushe...
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