Low-priced, high-tech hardware and software combined with easy access to
inexpensive high-speed online presentation venues has created a new class of
entrepreneur who has great ambition and ideas but little understanding of
how various communication methods differ, and what makes each effective.
Because video involves so many different elements, with some communicating
directly and others subliminally, it is imperative that you understand how
each impacts the presentation and delivery of the message. Concept, script,
performance, and styling each impact an audience in different ways. If even
one of these elements is off, the result will be a muddled and confused
message met with skepticism and disbelief. Of all the elements mentioned,
the most important is performance; a bad performance by an entrepreneur can
make him or her appear to be a fake, no matter how well intentioned and
genuine they are.
There are charismatic business speakers like Tony Robbins who are
presentation phenoms, and there are a few entrepreneurs who can make people
hang on every word, but these people are few and far between. If you've ever
thought of being your company spokesperson in order to save money or to
inflate your ego, ask yourself, are you really as good as Tony Robbins?
Unless you're a communication savant, it is best to have your marketing
communication created and presented by people who know what they are doing.