Top 7 Facebook and Twitter Strategies That are Working Right Now
One of the great things about the work I do is that I have a bird's eye view
of what's working and what's not when it comes to social media. Every so
often I like to give sort of a "state of the union" on Facebook and Twitter
best practices, because as I am sure you know, social media is constantly
growing, changing and evolving.
As you'll see, some of the strategies I am recommending are tried and true -
they have been working since day one and will probably continue to for the
foreseeable future.
However, there may be a few here that you've never considered - or may even
be surprised by. But they are what I see as being the biggest keys to
success and results for business owners on the two hottest social networks
on the planet: Facebook and Twitter.
1. Find Your Peeps
What this means is that you want to become part of the community you are
looking to serve...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?