18 Easy Ideas for a More Interactive Blog Blogging is a form of social media and for social media to be successful you need interaction. A non-interactive neglected blog will simply die out and become oblivious to the cyber world. Blogging became popular in the late 1990s and is one of the most effective ways of social networking. Although blogging started out more as an online personal diary, the importance of blogs today for all businesses is significant. Below are some ideas for you to help make your blog more interactive so it can reach its full potential. 1. Ask for Comments - At the end of your posts, ask readers to share their ideas, suggestions and opinions on the post. You will be surprised at how big a difference this little detail can make. 2. Make Leaving Comments Easy - Don't ask visitors for their life history just to leave a comment. Just have them leave their name, email and website URL. You also might want to consider not having a ca...
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