1. Keywords In Title Each webpage within a website should contain a unique title, and meaningful keywords and keyword phrases should be included in the title of each page. 2. Keywords In URL Use hyphenated keyword phrases in the URL's pages, as some search engines take notice of keywords used in URLs. The hyphen used between words allows search engines to better identify and recognize the separate the words used. 3. Anchor Text When linking to web pages, use descriptive keywords to identify the links to webpages. The "anchor text" used to link to a specific page is weighted as part of some of the larger search engines ranking criteria. In other words, search engines make note of the text used to link to specific webpages, and use the text relevance to determine a search ranking for those pages. 4. Keywords In Header Tags Keywords should be used to highlight sections on a page, as mini-titles over each subsection in a webpage. The subsection heading keywords should be iden...
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