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Showing posts from June 24, 2013

Tips to get Top Search Engine Ranking on Google and Yahoo

Want to get into the top 5 of either Google or Yahoo? Make sure your website contains the top 10 factors for deciding a top search engine ranking. It does not matter if you have the cure for cancer, if nobody knows about it you are not going to make any money. A top search engine ranking in either Google or Yahoo is the surest way for buyers to find your products so you can become a wealthy marketer. Google and Yahoo are responsible for about 80% of all search engine traffic in the world. Make sure your online business or website contains these top 10 factors used for determining sites with a top 5 search engine ranking in Google and Yahoo. Factor #1: Number of Quality Sites that Link to Yours Google and Yahoo put a lot of significance on how many quality sites link back to yours with a page rank of at least 4 and above. This is probably the most important factor when considering a top search engine ranking. When search engines see lots of important sit...

Small Businesses Must Build Their Website on WordPress

WordPress is the key is to have access to your own Content Management System. But, I am getting ahead of myself. You are a small business and need a web presence? You have little if no software skills? I guess that describes about 99% of us, except those whose business is software! First, know why you are going on the web in the first place. To be found and to be talked about. Both of these are going to need content; lots of it. A website that does not publish content frequently is dead - search engines give up on it, your repeat visitors come back once and see the same old stuff they saw a week back and are gone; never to return. So, the investment in website development for your company is more than just a one time investment; it is a continuous process. You need to keep changing the text and the pictures to keep the search engines and visitors interested. Do get your website professionally done. In fact, even if you are a software company, consider ...

Premium WordPress Themes For Any Website

Many people think that premium WordPress themes cannot do anything for them and then proceed to spend time and money creating a theme that had already been created and offered as a premium theme. It's important before even considering creating a new theme to know what other themes have already been designed that could be modified slightly for your use. Premium themes cover a large gamut of layout options and design styles that will appeal to the majority of users and which can be used as the basis for other layouts and designs. Although there are several common layouts, the majority of the layouts fall in to just one or two categories: division by columns and division by rows. These layouts divide the content in a way that saves portions of the screen for navigation, content, and other important information with columns dividing the content horizontally and rows dividing it vertically. One of the most common layout styles is a two-column layout. This la...