Maximize the Power of Your About Us
Your About Us page has the distinct purpose of letting people get to
know your company, which will help build the foundation of trust and
respect that is needed for a successful online business. For certain
businesses, the About Us page can also be used for recruiting new
employees, sales reps, etc.
So, take some time, look over your About Us page and see if it utilizes
any or all of the ten features listed below.
1. Company History – Give a brief history of your company and how you
got started. Explain how long you've been in business, the purpose of
your business and your experience. This is also a good place to add your
mission statement.
2. Focus on Benefits - Be sure to focus on the benefits your company
will provide the customer. Your potential customers want to know what
you can do for them, not how you do it.
3. Introduce Yourself and Crew – Be sure to give your name and the names
of those who work wit...
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