When you start out in the blogosphere, there are two words that you hear
over and over again.
1. Content - Because let's face it, if you're not writing anything, your
blog is going to be pretty lonesome
2. Traffic - The rationale being that if no one is visiting your content,
you can't do much, including make money
I'd like to toss something out there though that not a lot of people seem to
talk about, and that's quality in your content and in your traffic. You see,
if you are blogging for any particular reason, whether it's to build your
brand or to fill your wallet, you need to build a community of people who
will actually support your content, click on your affiliate links, and buy
your very first e-book. Right?
The two modes of blogging
Now, there are two ways that people strive for that goal. The more
predominant way is to play the blogging game as if you were a commercial
fisherman. The commercial fisherman uses gigantic nets, and ...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?