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Revolutionary Marketing Technology at Your Fingertips

Revolutionary Marketing Technology at Your Fingertips

Take blogging, for instance. While many business owners have a blog, most do
not blog on a weekly basis. They either can't find the time to blog, or they
can't come up with anything to write about week in and week out.

What they don't seem to understand is that blogging is one of the best ways
to reach out and engage both prospects and customers alike. They also don't
realize that the average business owner literally trips over ideas, human
interest stories and pearls of wisdom that would be of interest to the
public on almost a daily basis.

The problem is that when they come upon these concepts they fail to make
note of them by either writing or photographing these gems as soon as they
occur, even when they have the perfect device to perform both these chores
right on their hip.

That's right, a smartphone is the easiest way to capture any moment for
posterity that has ever been invented. Not only can you photograph an event,
most smartphones are video capable. This means you can provide a running
commentary that can be used as an electronic notebook which can later be
reviewed in order to write your blog.

Better yet, you can cut out the middle man altogether and create a video
blog that can then be distributed on your social networks, embedded on your
website and blogs and even attached to any printed literature via QR code.

Keep in mind that Google actively searches for mixed media such as video and
you can kill two birds with one stone by creating and optimizing videos that
can then migrate to page one of the world's most popular search engine.

While there are a number of other revolutionary online technologies that can
provide any business with a competitive edge, the only way that the web will
work for you is if you work the web.

The bottom line is that if the Internet is important to the continued
success of your business, then you need to start making it a priority to
engage and interact with your audience on at least a weekly basis. Whether
you perform this task yourself, or you outsource it to a professional online
marketer is entirely at your discretion. But, if you want to stop
languishing in the backwaters when it comes to communicating with the
public, you only have two choices:

1. Embrace online marketing.
2. Buy a horse.


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