Write Extraordinary Content
You are not going to be able to get away with that same old regurgitated
drivel if you want to be an expert. You are going to have to come up with
extraordinary content on a regular basis. It's tough. Not everything you
write is going to be a Pulitzer Prize wínner. We're all guilty of writers
block or phoning it in every now and then, including me - I mean, have you
seen this post? The important thing is that you can regularly get some wood
on the ball and write a really valuable blog post, e-book, white paper, or
case study that you can post on your website at least once or twice a week.
Regards Gerald Crawford
Webcraft.ws Stellenbosch
PO BOX 12216 Die Boord 7613 Stellenbosch South Africa
Telephone: +27-021-8833027 (office)
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)
SMS: 0796343545
Skype: webcraft.guru
Fax: 0865657300
After Hours: 0881242372
Website: http://www.webcraft.ws
E-mail: gerald@webcraft.ws
Yahoo: webcraftguru@yahoo.co.za
Blog: http://webcraftws.blogspot.com/
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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You are not going to be able to get away with that same old regurgitated
drivel if you want to be an expert. You are going to have to come up with
extraordinary content on a regular basis. It's tough. Not everything you
write is going to be a Pulitzer Prize wínner. We're all guilty of writers
block or phoning it in every now and then, including me - I mean, have you
seen this post? The important thing is that you can regularly get some wood
on the ball and write a really valuable blog post, e-book, white paper, or
case study that you can post on your website at least once or twice a week.
Regards Gerald Crawford
Webcraft.ws Stellenbosch
PO BOX 12216 Die Boord 7613 Stellenbosch South Africa
Telephone: +27-021-8833027 (office)
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)
SMS: 0796343545
Skype: webcraft.guru
Fax: 0865657300
After Hours: 0881242372
Website: http://www.webcraft.ws
E-mail: gerald@webcraft.ws
Yahoo: webcraftguru@yahoo.co.za
Blog: http://webcraftws.blogspot.com/
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
This e-mail (and any attachments) contains information which is confidential
and may be legally privileged and protected from disclosure. It is intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and
others authorised to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient of
this e-mail or any parts of it please telephone +27-0720390184 immediately
upon receipt.
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