Google+ is a social network developed by Google to compete with the likes of
Facebook and Twitter. While it is still early, there are signs that Google+
is showing an ability to compete with the other major social networks. If
they are able to succeed in the realm of social media it will have a
tremendous impact on the future of search.
Google delivers you results based on many factors including your location as
well as your search and browsing history. With the advent of Google+ it will
become possible for them to deliver you results as personalized as the
advertisements that Facebook delivers to their users.
Facebook is able to show you such personalized advertisements because you
willingly give them more information than you would ever give your
boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, you name it. This gives them a huge
advantage and makes them an extremely valuable outlet for businesses looking
to advertise their products or services. Google has seen the advantage that
Facebook has gained from being able to extract this information and wants to
take advantage of it themselves.
If Google is successful in getting people to give them the same kind and
amount of information that Facebook does, then it is very likely that in the
future everyone will receive their own personalized search results based on
the information they so freely gave away. This has tremendous implications
not only for search, but also for privacy concerns. Facebook has already
come under fire for giving away too much of their users personal information
and Google has also been criticized for lacking adequate concern for their
users privacy. With the advent of Google+ those concerns will only continue
to grow regardless of how much it may help improve search results and in
turn the lives of its users.
The impact on SEO is also great. If everyone is being delivered personalized
results, how does one optimize a site for the masses? More concerning is how
does an SEO company show tangible results in the form of reporting if
everyone is seeing different search results? These are questions that will
have to be tackled by SEO specialists and experts alike in the near future.
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Facebook and Twitter. While it is still early, there are signs that Google+
is showing an ability to compete with the other major social networks. If
they are able to succeed in the realm of social media it will have a
tremendous impact on the future of search.
Google delivers you results based on many factors including your location as
well as your search and browsing history. With the advent of Google+ it will
become possible for them to deliver you results as personalized as the
advertisements that Facebook delivers to their users.
Facebook is able to show you such personalized advertisements because you
willingly give them more information than you would ever give your
boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, you name it. This gives them a huge
advantage and makes them an extremely valuable outlet for businesses looking
to advertise their products or services. Google has seen the advantage that
Facebook has gained from being able to extract this information and wants to
take advantage of it themselves.
If Google is successful in getting people to give them the same kind and
amount of information that Facebook does, then it is very likely that in the
future everyone will receive their own personalized search results based on
the information they so freely gave away. This has tremendous implications
not only for search, but also for privacy concerns. Facebook has already
come under fire for giving away too much of their users personal information
and Google has also been criticized for lacking adequate concern for their
users privacy. With the advent of Google+ those concerns will only continue
to grow regardless of how much it may help improve search results and in
turn the lives of its users.
The impact on SEO is also great. If everyone is being delivered personalized
results, how does one optimize a site for the masses? More concerning is how
does an SEO company show tangible results in the form of reporting if
everyone is seeing different search results? These are questions that will
have to be tackled by SEO specialists and experts alike in the near future.
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