Evaluate the Content of Your Website
* Is the website copy succinct but informative?
* Does the copywriting style suit the website's purpose and 'speak' to its
target audience?
* Are bodies of text broken into easy to read chunks?
* Can text be resized through the browser or do CSS settings restrict size
* Is the contrast between text and its background color sufficient to make
reading easy on the eyes?
* Is text broken into small, readable chunks and highlighted using headings,
sub-headings, and emphasize features where appropriate to assist in
* Within articles, are there links to more detailed explanations of
subjects, or definitions of jargon terms?
* Do you have an "about page" that identifies the author of the content,
credits to source for content that was not written by the site owner
* Do you have testimonials and publish them on the site?
* Do you update the content regularly and don't live by the phrase "set it
and forget it"?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
* Is the website copy succinct but informative?
* Does the copywriting style suit the website's purpose and 'speak' to its
target audience?
* Are bodies of text broken into easy to read chunks?
* Can text be resized through the browser or do CSS settings restrict size
* Is the contrast between text and its background color sufficient to make
reading easy on the eyes?
* Is text broken into small, readable chunks and highlighted using headings,
sub-headings, and emphasize features where appropriate to assist in
* Within articles, are there links to more detailed explanations of
subjects, or definitions of jargon terms?
* Do you have an "about page" that identifies the author of the content,
credits to source for content that was not written by the site owner
* Do you have testimonials and publish them on the site?
* Do you update the content regularly and don't live by the phrase "set it
and forget it"?
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.