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Components of a Successful Profile Picture

Components of a Successful Profile Picture

Your social media marketing strategy depends greatly on first impressions
and you truly need to put your best foot forward. You need to really impress
potential prospects with a headshot that exudes professionalism.

Creating a professional, friendly presence starts with a great picture. Here
are the 5 elements of a successful profile picture to ensure you are leaving
the right impression:

1. The background should be clean and either monotone in color or blurred
(that out-of-focus effect). Great photographers bring focus to their photo
subjects by making the details of their subject come to life with simple
tricks like allowing the background to fade or blur

A great profile picture is a simple one where the background isn't too busy
or complex so that the focus of the picture is on you.

2. Your Profile Should Exclusively Feature You. It's great to have pictures
with family and friends, but when we're talking about your profile picture,
it should only feature you.

Cropping someone out of a picture you look really good in is not really as
fabulous of an idea as it seems. No matter how good you looked in that
picture from Cuba, you will always look more professional with a real solo
headshot taken by a photographer with reasonably good
lighting. Hire someone, if necessary. It's worth it!

3. Keep it to a nice headshot. Fight the urge to use pictures in your social
media marketing campaign of you doing intriguing and active things, like
attending political rallies and biking through the mountains.

While it is noble to embrace this type of variety in your complete profile,
your profile picture needs to make a first impression that draws attention
to your face and eyes. You can't undervalue the importance of seeing someone's
face when assessing whether they are approachable or not. It's truly the
same online as it is offline. If your picture makes you seem unapproachable,
it could affect your online social engagement.

4. Wear bright colors. Don't worry, you can leave the neon track suit in the
closet. Just spice up your wardrobe with a splash of color rather than going
with plain old black and white.

There is decade's worth of research proving that colors do affect the way
people respond to you. It might not be surprising that red conveys a sense
of power, while hot pink can stimulate affection.

5. Smile! Don't ever be fearful of smiling making you seem unprofessional.
For those of you that feel more serious or conservative, a smile can go a
long way in making you more approachable. Smiling is a great form of
positive, non-verbal communication so don't underestimate the value of it
when creating your profile picture!

How important do you think a great profile picture is in social media
marketing? Post your comments and questions below.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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