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Businesses Should be Using Social Media

Businesses Should be Using Social Media

According to marketing experts, "the social aspect of marketing is unique in
any given stratum because it involves human elements, namely, the behavioral
pattern of consumers and the given characteristics of a society such as
customs, attitudes, values, etc." But, the behavioral patterns and the
customs, attitudes, values and so on of consumers keep changing constantly.

As the Chairman of a famous company explained in his company's annual
address, "this surge of change has profound consequence for that bundle of
hopes and fears, the untidy bundle of attitudes and commitments called our
management policy. In an increasingly fluid world, one cannot organize the
hope of order around the protection of status quo." From this, it is quite
clear that the constantly changing attitudes and values of consumers should
necessarily be considered for planning marketing strategies of any company
including yours, as they play vital roles in consumers' decisions.

If you look at the prevailing trend in the business world, you will observe
that almost all companies, irrespective of the field in which they are
operating, are using social media for popularizing and promoting their
businesses because social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. are
being used by billions of people throughout the world. This raises an
intriguing question. Why have these sites have become so popular?

"No doubt, every real situation is unique, but a set of theoretical tools of
knowledge, itself based on empirical foundation, can help in developing the
mechanisms for handling such situations" says a management theory. But
unfortunately, experts are not able to specifically explain the "unequaled
preeminence" and popularity of social media, though they call them as an
offshoot of another attitudinal change of consumers. So too is the craze of
people over these social networking sites that seems to be beyond the
imagination of these experts.

In fact, as an entrepreneur, you don't have an option. It may be impossible
for you to pretend that these social media sites are not commanding the
admiration and acceptance of people around the world, who are your existing
or prospective consumers. So, you have to use social media for your
business. If you are not ready to do so, your business may languish because
it has to remain in anonymity, however talented you may be or, however high
the quality of your products or services.

The following are some valid reasons for using social media sites for
promoting your business.

- Consumers are becoming more and more knowledgeable. They try all available
methods to discover the best products or services that can cater to their
demands. If your presence on social media sites is continuously "visible,"
they may feel reassured. But, you shouldn't use the conventional methods of
repeating the same marketing sermons in the same cliched language. Your
messages should be crisp, interesting and touch connect emotionally with
new, potential and existing customers. Draw your customers into wanting to
establish a relationship with you.

- Another reason for using social media is that everyone, including your
competitors are using social media. You can't afford to ignore its efficacy.
Statistics show that social media sites are enjoying top rankings in Google's
search engine results.

- The most popular search engine, Google, considers your social sharing when
ranking your business in its results.

- Your brand can become known to millions of people, if you effectively use
social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Since these sites
are open and transparent, anyone can look at your company's profile and
share it, which can result in free word-of-mouth publicity for your

- It's easy to interact and open a conversation on social media sites. You'd
be amazed at the number of people who join a conversation once it's
initiated. Such interactions can provide you with feedback about the pros
and cons of your products or services and discover the expectations of your

- Most importantly, social media sites help with client service. If you just
focus on marketing, you may not meet with much success because people
generally visit social media sites for fun or for passing time. If they
choose to interact with you, they do so because of the ease of communication
afforded by social media to meet their needs. As an entrepreneur, grasping
the importance of client service is key. If you focus on this aspect, you
can enhance your brand and reputation in the eyes of your existing as well
as prospective clients.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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