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It’s Time to Fire a Client

As a business owner, it goes against all instincts to turn away business.

When things go sour, often our entrepreneurial instincts kick into high gear
and we work harder at making the client happy, focus more on them to help
turn things around, and then lose sleep over it anyway.

All of that expended energy results in complete frustration that nothing
seems to work. You have lost other business because you couldn't focus on
other clients as much as they needed or have time to get new business with
your ideal client.

When you focus on a negative situation, it keeps your business stuck in that
negativity causing your business to have no opportunity for expansion.
When Should You Let a Client Go?

Has your once dream client turned into your worst nightmare? At first some
clients might seem like "the bomb" but after working together on a closer
basis you may notice some signs to make you think again about keeping them
as a client.

Here's 11 possible client types you might be encountering that should make
you question if they are worth holding onto:

1. The Non-Pleasers. There are some super picky clients where no matter how
hard you try to please them, they will never be happy. Often it's because
they don't know what they want; sometimes they keep changing their mind; or
maybe they have a colleague or assistant giving them ill-fitted advice. But,
for whatever the reason, you end up putting forth a lot of extra effort to
make them happy. And often at no charge, adversely affecting your bottom

2. The Blamers. When you offer a service, you can't guarantee the success of
the client. No matter what you've been asked to do, the role of the client
is paramount to a successful outcome. You can't work miracles if they are
not following your instructions, thwarting your efforts with them
second-guessing you (and themselves) or not doing their part to make the
project successful. These people tend to jump from one resource to another,
thinking their failures are always someone else's fault instead of looking
at what they are doing (or not doing) to create these situations. You're in
a no-win situation with this type of client.

3. The Slow-Payers. Everyone's favourite client is the one who pays an
invoice immediately upon receipt. But when a client is continually late in
paying their invoices or worst yet, gets behind in payments, it's hard to
give them your best service. It's much more satisfying to spend time working
with clients who pay promptly. Keeping them on as a client is enabling their
bad behaviours and telling them it's OK not to pay you on time.

4. The Cost-Complainers. You know the kind, when they constantly complain
about how much this is costing them, asking for discounts and feeling they
deserve price breaks. 'Frugal Fred's are a pain in the butt to work for.
They keep trying to get you to do everything for nothing. More keeps getting
added to your plate with the assumption it should all be included in the
original cost. Sometimes they try to make you feel guilty by sharing their
'temporary' financial problems with you and promise they'll pay you once
they get the big break that's 'just around the corner'. Don't fall for their
story. Greatness doesn't go on sale. When a client doesn't value the quality
of service you provide, then you're not being valued. Period. Your ideal
client will gladly pay what you are worth without complaint.

5. The Panicked-Insisters. These types of clients want everything done
quickly and at the last minute, causing you to set aside other, just as
important work, so they can be made happy. Their lack of planning does not
make an emergency on your part. If they insist on giving you projects with
no notice, charge a hefty rush fee. If these quick turnaround demands
continue, you may consider dropping them as a client. Ideal clients will
respect the time needed and allow a deadline that let's you do your best
work for them.

6. The Non-Listeners. Nothing makes me more frustrated than when someone
hires an expert, asks for what you think, pauses, and then says "I think we
should do it this way instead." Or they will get your opinion and then go
ask their friends, assistants and others in related industries to see if
your suggestion is what they should do or not. Everyone has an opinion and
many times the other people asked are not at all qualified to provide expert
advice. This second-guessing only wastes time and effort and is a sure-sign
of the clients' self-uncertainty on being able to make clear decisions. And
of course, when you do what they ask and they don't get results, they blame
you (see No. 2 client type above.) If they want to hire an expert, they
should be "coachable" and ready to implement your advice and strategies with
confidence in your abilities. If that confidence is not there, they need to
find someone else they can be confident with.

7. The Abusers. I had a client years ago who literally threatened me when
his e-mail wasn't working the way he thought it should. His misunderstanding
of how e-mail works resulted in him blaming me for his frustrations,
treating me with disrespect and bullying me terribly. I was truly afraid.
Some clients are downright abusive. They talk down to you and push you
around. When a client starts to be a bully, prepare to divorce them right
away. No one deserves that kind of treatment.

8. The Stress-Causers. A prime indicator of this type of client is when you
see they are calling on the phone and your heart sinks, anxiety kicks in and
you don't want to answer. We had a client once who was a husband/wife team.
The husband was so personable, warm and pleasant. But when the wife called,
she was demanding, abrupt, and even intimidating. It made it very difficult
to answer the phone, knowing I was about to have a difficult conversation
with her. Working with clients that cause you undue stress and anxiety while
trying your best to make them happy are simply not worth the effort. Spend
that energy on finding your ideal client instead.

9. The Personality-Clashers. Sometimes personalities don't mesh. It happens.
Respect yourself enough not to put up with clients that aren't a JOY to

10. The Energy-Vampires. Some clients are literally energy black holes. They
are demanding and need all your time. They suck up all your joy and energy
and you are literally exhausted after working with them. What's worse is
they are taking up space for a perfect client you could be working with. Don't
settle for clients that drain you. Choose clients that energize you.

11. The Unreasonable-Demanders. When clients want you to be an expert in
something you're not and demand you do the work anyway is setting you up for
failure. If you succumb to them, you'll wind up in a world of trouble
spending hours trying to do something, making mistakes, and not getting the
desired results. Just say 'no' to jobs that aren't in your area of
expertise. Instead, refer them to someone else who is much better equipped
for that particular request.

After many years in the business, we've had all kinds of crazy situations
that clearly taught me what we don't want in a client.
The best advice I can give is to be very clear about who your ideal client
is and how you want to be treated. Remind clients of boundaries as needed
and be firm with maintaining them. Life is too short to just work for the

As business owners, we have a right to work with clients who bring us
extreme joy and satisfaction. That way we can do our best work.

Here's to finding high-end ideal clients who are ready to work with you,
have the money to hire you, understand the value of your work.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

Regards Gerald Crawford

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