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Online Advertising Strategies

According to Wikipedia, advertising is a form of communication for marketing
and is used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers,
readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take a new
action. More simply put, advertising is letting people know about your
business and showing them you have the solution.

Advertising began thousands of years ago when ancient Egyptians started
carving out announcements and notices in steel. Now, we have so many forms
of advertising, it can be hard to choose which mediums to use.

Online marketing has taken the business world by storm. Some of the standard
online advertising strategies consist of banner ads, newsletter ads and
website link exchanges. These methods can be effective, but you need to get
out of the box and find new and clever ways to advertise your business.

Below are 10 fun and creative ideas that could breathe new life into your
advertising success:

1. E-Mail Sigtag Buddy - If you send out a lot of e-mails, having your link
on each one will get you a lot of exposure. Then consider having that
doubled. Research other online businesses to find one that works well with
your business but does not compete. Contact the owner and discuss a cross
promotion deal. You will put a link to their website in all your outgoing
e-mails if they will do the same for you. You could work with several
business owners and rotate partners. This easy and free strategy could
double or triple your exposure.

2. Resource Box Buddies - This would be very similar to the e-mail sigtag
buddy system but you would trade links in your article resource box instead.
Most sites will allow you several lines in your resource box so make the
best use of them.

3. Referral Club - Meet with several online business owners and discuss a
possible referral club. This will only work well if the businesses are not
competing. Learn about each other's products and services so you can
efficiently refer your customers to them when needed.

4. Customer Appreciation Party - Hold regular online customer appreciation
parties. Show your customers how important they are. Play games, offer
prizes, discounts, free gifts and more to show them how grateful you are.
Encourage each of them to bring a guest and offer a special incentive for
doing so.

5. Connect to Something of Importance - If your product or service can
appropriately be connected to an important event or story it could add
credibility to your business. For example: eBooks are good for the
environment. Or, if you sell pet products, each purchase could mean a
donation to stop animal cruelty. But be sincere in your efforts and really
care or your customers will definitely see through you.

6. Contests - Everyone loves contests. Offer a different contest each week
or month. Make them fun, interesting and even educational.

7. Partner with A Complementary Business - Find a business that works well
with yours. Contact the owner and discuss a promotional partnership. Work
together to advertise and promote each other. Not only is it beneficial to
the business owners, it helps the customers as well.

8. Free Webinars and Presentations - Periodically offer a free webinar and
or presentation on your products and or services. Explain how customers can
benefit from them. Offer free instructional videos as well if appropriate.

9. Comment on Blogs - Share your expertise on blogs and get your name
noticed. Help people, give advice, share ideas and strategies. This will
establish you as an expert in your field which, in turn, will earn you more
trust and credibility.

10. Social Media Relationships - Use your social media sites to connect with
people and build relationships. Social media is for networking and bonding
with people, not just making the sale.

Although the Internet provides you with unlimited possibilities for your
business, it is not easy to achieve a solid customer base. You must go
outside of the box with your advertising campaign and make yourself and your
business more memorable.

Show potential customers becoming your client will indeed be in their best
interest. Prove to them that you are anxious to help find a solution and
assist them in any way possible.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

Regards Gerald Crawford

Stellenbosch South Africa
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)

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