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Web Tools to Connect you With the World

Real-Time Web Tools to Instantly Connect With the World!

If you are looking for news and events around the world today, real-time web
tools provide you with options.

Google News - as the world's number one search engine tool, Google has the
ability to bring the latest news from around the globe. Google News provides
expert opinions, relevant articles, and points of view from a variety of
sources online. The Google interface gives you the option to select news
editions from different countries worldwide.

AllVoices - a platform for contributors to share global news and exchange
ideas. Reports
are posted automatically from news RSS feeds. Anyone can find or share news
on AllVoices using SMS or via the website.

Worldometers - this site only extracts stats from trusted world institutions
such as: the World Health Organization, United Nations, World Trade
Organization, World Food Programme, etc.

Twitter is the face of real-time web tools today. This micro-blogging site
provides users with limitless real-time content.

You can make the most of Twitter by using platforms such as:

* Trendsmap - allows you to see trends from around the globe, in your area
or state. Trendsmap currently processes eighty million tweets per day. 120
countries with 1300 cities have pages in the site.

* Twitscoop - tracks what people are talking about on Twitter. Their system
cuts tweets into tags and ranks them by frequency versus normal usage.
Tweets are displayed according to your searched topic and results are
refreshed automatically.

* Tinker - is another Twitter client that shows the latest Twitter buzz. You
can follow an event stream, user or topic according to your preferred
keywords. It can also be used to promote your own events.

Netizens (Internet Citizens) continue to grow in number which makes it
possible to track, or find, people online easily in real-time using sites
such as:

* Pipl - is a people search engine that delves deep into the web for
information. The search results are pulled from databases, social networking
services, etc.

* PeekYou - is another free people search engine that serves millions of
visitors monthly. While Google looks at the probable association of a link
with a keyword, PeekYou sees a link's probable association with an

* Spokeo - a people search engine that can be used to track individuals
across 22 social networks without visiting each site individually. You can
search people by name, phone number, address, email or username.

Sharing content is one of the well-known activities on the real-time web. It's
also a crucial function for business websites to promote their content to
the world using "Share" buttons.

Share2Me - is a set of sharing tools that allow you to share your favorite
stuff online with friends across multiple browsers and site platforms with
just a few clicks.

FriendFeed - provides services that make it easier to share with people
online. Users can invite friends and get customized feeds made from what
they shared - videos, links, messages and photos. FriendFeed can be viewed
and shared on mobile devices, via email or even on Facebook.

Wists (short for web lists) - is a site where you can find shareable stuff
online to bookmark. Users can create wish lists of product images from any
online store, organize a gallery of thumbnails with favorite stuff like
songs, books or movie CD's. Wists encourages the promotion and discovery of
products, amateur designers, small manufacturers and retailers. Once signed
up to Wists, you can add their button to your browser toolbar and share from

Real-time applications and web tools are important to anyone who wishes to
stay current on breaking news and developments in a fast moving world.

Netizens are fortunate to benefit from what modern technology has to offer
today. Nevertheless, it will always be the individual's responsibility to
use real-time apps and tools for the common good. As Peter Parker's Uncle
Ben said: "With great power comes great responsibility."

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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