The Benefits of Guest Blogging
Guest blogging as part of a content marketing strategy should be a part of
every website's SEO campaign. Not only does guest blogging help with your
website's link building, it also increases your overall online brand
presence and industry authority, as well as helps your company connect with
potential customers at multiple points during their buying cycle.
Here are 5 SEO benefits of guest blogging:
Link Building
This seems like the most obvious SEO benefit of guest blogging, and is
probably the main reason companies are always on the lookout for new guest
blogging opportunities. Most blogs will allow their guest bloggers a few
links in the author bio section, so be sure you take advantage of that! Try
to get a full http link to your website as well as two hyperlinked anchor
texts if the blogger will allow it. Vary your author bio on different blogs
to target different keywords and keep your link building, looking natural to
the search engines. If you have a good enough relationship with the blog
owner, you might be allowed to drop a link or two in the actual post itself
back to your website, company blog, or other posts you have written for that
blog to help with internal linking.
Increáse Online Touch Points
While your website is your most valuable piece of online property, it
shouldn't be the only presence, your company has online. A successful SEO
campaign depends on creating multiple touch points where customers can
interact with your brand and be pulled into your website. Guest blog posts
are one such touch point. Having a blog post on another industry site not
only helps establish your credibility as an industry thought leader, it also
gives potential customers that haven't ever heard of your company, the
opportunÃty to learn from you. Great content marketing should focus on
educating the consumer and hitting them at every step of the buying process.
The more guest posts you have on industry blogs the more likely you are to
interact with a potential customer, every step of the way.
Micro-Blogging for Web Professionals
Build Relationships With Industry Bloggers
In my opinion, it is much better to become a regular contributor to an
industry blog then just try for a one-time deal. Even if you can submit one
article every other month, go for it! The more times you publish content on
an industry blog the stronger your relationship with that blog owner is
going to be. Somewhere down the line you might be able to leverage that
relationship and ask them to write a post reviewing/promoting one of your
products. It's much easier to ask for such a post after you have been
publishing content on their blog for six months.
The more comfortable a blog owner is with you the better. You might be able
to jump from one post every other month to one post a month or even one a
week. Maybe they let you add a few more links to your post or list you as
featured author. But building that kind of relationship takes time and lot
of writing.
Drive New Visitors to Your Site
Having links in the author bio and the post itself is not just good for link
building; it can also help drive new, targeted traffic to your website.
Someone that clicks on a link in your guest blog post is interested in
learning more about your company and your industry. They might be at the
beginning of their buying cycle and are just trying to get a feel for the
companies out there, or they might be looking for more information about a
certain topic and feel you are a reliable source or maybe they are looking
to purchase and want to get in touch with your company. For whatever reason,
that visitor clicks through to your site, giving you the chance to convince
them to convert. At the end of the day that is what SEO is about -
increasing the volume of visitors being directed to your website.
More Content to Fuel Your Social Media Marketing Campaign
Social media, much like SEO, thrives on content. The more content you can
share, Like, tweet, update and post, the more reasons you are giving your
target audience to interact and engage with your brand. Remember, social
media should not be treated like another advertising platform. Consumers are
driving the conversations on social media sites and expect brands to talk
with, not at, them. Every time a piece of content is shared on sites like
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, a social signal is created that
tells the search engines that this piece of content is valuable. The more
times your content is shared, the more links it gets, the more valuable it
becomes and the better it ranks in the SERPS! Every published guest post can
be added to your social networks to help keep them up-to-date with great
Just remember that before you start worrying about guest blogging, your
business blog is supplied with a steady stream of great content! A 100 guest
blog posts are no substitute for your blog. Once your company blog is well
underway, it's time to start looking for guest blogging opportunities that
will help your SEO campaign succeed.
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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Guest blogging as part of a content marketing strategy should be a part of
every website's SEO campaign. Not only does guest blogging help with your
website's link building, it also increases your overall online brand
presence and industry authority, as well as helps your company connect with
potential customers at multiple points during their buying cycle.
Here are 5 SEO benefits of guest blogging:
Link Building
This seems like the most obvious SEO benefit of guest blogging, and is
probably the main reason companies are always on the lookout for new guest
blogging opportunities. Most blogs will allow their guest bloggers a few
links in the author bio section, so be sure you take advantage of that! Try
to get a full http link to your website as well as two hyperlinked anchor
texts if the blogger will allow it. Vary your author bio on different blogs
to target different keywords and keep your link building, looking natural to
the search engines. If you have a good enough relationship with the blog
owner, you might be allowed to drop a link or two in the actual post itself
back to your website, company blog, or other posts you have written for that
blog to help with internal linking.
Increáse Online Touch Points
While your website is your most valuable piece of online property, it
shouldn't be the only presence, your company has online. A successful SEO
campaign depends on creating multiple touch points where customers can
interact with your brand and be pulled into your website. Guest blog posts
are one such touch point. Having a blog post on another industry site not
only helps establish your credibility as an industry thought leader, it also
gives potential customers that haven't ever heard of your company, the
opportunÃty to learn from you. Great content marketing should focus on
educating the consumer and hitting them at every step of the buying process.
The more guest posts you have on industry blogs the more likely you are to
interact with a potential customer, every step of the way.
Micro-Blogging for Web Professionals
Build Relationships With Industry Bloggers
In my opinion, it is much better to become a regular contributor to an
industry blog then just try for a one-time deal. Even if you can submit one
article every other month, go for it! The more times you publish content on
an industry blog the stronger your relationship with that blog owner is
going to be. Somewhere down the line you might be able to leverage that
relationship and ask them to write a post reviewing/promoting one of your
products. It's much easier to ask for such a post after you have been
publishing content on their blog for six months.
The more comfortable a blog owner is with you the better. You might be able
to jump from one post every other month to one post a month or even one a
week. Maybe they let you add a few more links to your post or list you as
featured author. But building that kind of relationship takes time and lot
of writing.
Drive New Visitors to Your Site
Having links in the author bio and the post itself is not just good for link
building; it can also help drive new, targeted traffic to your website.
Someone that clicks on a link in your guest blog post is interested in
learning more about your company and your industry. They might be at the
beginning of their buying cycle and are just trying to get a feel for the
companies out there, or they might be looking for more information about a
certain topic and feel you are a reliable source or maybe they are looking
to purchase and want to get in touch with your company. For whatever reason,
that visitor clicks through to your site, giving you the chance to convince
them to convert. At the end of the day that is what SEO is about -
increasing the volume of visitors being directed to your website.
More Content to Fuel Your Social Media Marketing Campaign
Social media, much like SEO, thrives on content. The more content you can
share, Like, tweet, update and post, the more reasons you are giving your
target audience to interact and engage with your brand. Remember, social
media should not be treated like another advertising platform. Consumers are
driving the conversations on social media sites and expect brands to talk
with, not at, them. Every time a piece of content is shared on sites like
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, a social signal is created that
tells the search engines that this piece of content is valuable. The more
times your content is shared, the more links it gets, the more valuable it
becomes and the better it ranks in the SERPS! Every published guest post can
be added to your social networks to help keep them up-to-date with great
Just remember that before you start worrying about guest blogging, your
business blog is supplied with a steady stream of great content! A 100 guest
blog posts are no substitute for your blog. Once your company blog is well
underway, it's time to start looking for guest blogging opportunities that
will help your SEO campaign succeed.
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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