10 Social Networking Security Tips
Social Networking is the biggest thing to hit the internet since it began.
The sheer numbers involved are staggering. If Facebook was a country it
would be the 3rd largest in the world behind India. It can be a massive
force for good, yet it comes with inherent dangers, not least of which is to
your security.
So here are 10 Social Networking Security Tips, to keep you safe and secure
while chatting with your mates!
1. Don't Publish Too Much
Don't publish too much information about yourself, your personal life, and
your family online. Things to avoid, if possible, are full dates of birth,
mother's maiden name, 1st pet's name, 1st school, or make sure you lie to
these types of things. After all, they are all used by major institutions as
"security" questions, so don't make it easy for someone to target you.
2. Assume Everything is Public
Always assume that everything that you post on the internet will at some
point become public domain. The rules and settings employed by the service
provider now might change in the future. Never post or say anything online
that you wouldn't want your mum, your boss, future employers or future
partners to find out about! This includes "chats" with other people and
"status updates," all of which have the potential to be public or become
visible to others.
3. The Internet Never Forgets
Unlike you and I, who have a habit of forgetting things on a regular basis,
the internet won't forget. That means the embarrassing photos from your
stag/hen party will still be hanging around the next time you get married!
And, even if you delete images or remove content, there's a good chance it's
been copied, backed-up or cached by another internet service. This is an
important fact that people tend to forget.
4. Don't "Connect" with People You Don't Know
Don't accept "friend" or "connection" requests from just anybody unless you're
aware of the risks. Accounts of users are regularly monitored and targeted
for malicious purposes with the intention of gaining something - either
identity information or more often money in some way.
5. Don't Trust Even Your "Friends"
Remember, unless you can verify the identity of a user account without
simply trusting they are who they claim to be, don't trust them! A genuine
friend could have had their account compromised or someone may have set-up
an account in their name with the intention of gathering information on you
and others you know.
6. Don't Announce Your Plans to the World
If you're going on holiday to Thailand for a fortnight, that's great, but
don't tell the world and his wife when you're going, when you're returning,
which hotel you're staying in and who's traveling with you! This information
is brilliant for burglars, muggers, identity thieves and anyone else who
fancies free board and lodgings in your home while you're away. Remember
points 4 and 5!
7. Be Wary Of "Apps"
"Apps" are great fun, what harm could they do, they're all provided by the
site? This isn't true. Many "apps" are developed by individuals and
companies external to the social network you're using and they often re-use
code segments from other apps. As such, there's no guarantee the apps you're
using are simply there for your enjoyment and aren't harvesting your data.
Now some harvesting is done for legitimate marketing and research purposes,
but some of it is also done with not so innocent intentions. Be wary and don't
download/install/add the "app" unless you really need to.
8. Avoid Location Based Services
I know they're the new up and coming "thing," but I personally don't like
the idea of having my movements tracked, even if it means I save a few quid
at Starbucks. Again, like point 6, you don't know who else has access to the
information and who knows if the terms of service might change at some point
in the future?
9. Check Your Settings
All of the current social networking sites come with some form of privacy or
security settings. Now these might seem confusing and a bit pointless, but
it's worth taking some time to go through and understand them to ensure you're
protecting yourself to the best of your abilities. If you need help, then
see if there's an FAQ, speak to someone who understands how they work or
simply stay off the site. Either way, make sure you have the settings at the
level you feel comfortable with, and that protects your data.
10. Never Post Anything Sensitive
The last point is almost the same as point 2, but here we're emphasizing the
need to avoid posting potentially sensitive personal or business information
which could cause you or your company/employer harm. This could be something
as innocuous as a tweet saying "Off to meet XYZ corp now, back in an hour."
There is the potential that this could be privileged information and might
allow your competitors to see who you're dealing with, or who your clients
are. It could provide them with a competitive advantage or it could land you
in trouble with your bosses, regulators or courts, depending on the issue at
Now all of this might seem a little to paranoid for some of you, but if
"they" are out to "get you" surely it's not paranoia!?
Regards Gerald Crawford
Webcraft.ws Stellenbosch
PO BOX 12216 Die Boord 7613 Stellenbosch South Africa
Telephone: +27-021-8833027 (office)
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)
SMS: 0796343545
Skype: webcraft.guru
Fax: 0865657300
After Hours: 0881242372
Website: http://www.webcraft.ws
E-mail: gerald@webcraft.ws
Yahoo: webcraftguru@yahoo.co.za
Blog: http://webcraftws.blogspot.com/
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
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this e-mail or any parts of it please telephone +27-0720390184 immediately
upon receipt.
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Social Networking is the biggest thing to hit the internet since it began.
The sheer numbers involved are staggering. If Facebook was a country it
would be the 3rd largest in the world behind India. It can be a massive
force for good, yet it comes with inherent dangers, not least of which is to
your security.
So here are 10 Social Networking Security Tips, to keep you safe and secure
while chatting with your mates!
1. Don't Publish Too Much
Don't publish too much information about yourself, your personal life, and
your family online. Things to avoid, if possible, are full dates of birth,
mother's maiden name, 1st pet's name, 1st school, or make sure you lie to
these types of things. After all, they are all used by major institutions as
"security" questions, so don't make it easy for someone to target you.
2. Assume Everything is Public
Always assume that everything that you post on the internet will at some
point become public domain. The rules and settings employed by the service
provider now might change in the future. Never post or say anything online
that you wouldn't want your mum, your boss, future employers or future
partners to find out about! This includes "chats" with other people and
"status updates," all of which have the potential to be public or become
visible to others.
3. The Internet Never Forgets
Unlike you and I, who have a habit of forgetting things on a regular basis,
the internet won't forget. That means the embarrassing photos from your
stag/hen party will still be hanging around the next time you get married!
And, even if you delete images or remove content, there's a good chance it's
been copied, backed-up or cached by another internet service. This is an
important fact that people tend to forget.
4. Don't "Connect" with People You Don't Know
Don't accept "friend" or "connection" requests from just anybody unless you're
aware of the risks. Accounts of users are regularly monitored and targeted
for malicious purposes with the intention of gaining something - either
identity information or more often money in some way.
5. Don't Trust Even Your "Friends"
Remember, unless you can verify the identity of a user account without
simply trusting they are who they claim to be, don't trust them! A genuine
friend could have had their account compromised or someone may have set-up
an account in their name with the intention of gathering information on you
and others you know.
6. Don't Announce Your Plans to the World
If you're going on holiday to Thailand for a fortnight, that's great, but
don't tell the world and his wife when you're going, when you're returning,
which hotel you're staying in and who's traveling with you! This information
is brilliant for burglars, muggers, identity thieves and anyone else who
fancies free board and lodgings in your home while you're away. Remember
points 4 and 5!
7. Be Wary Of "Apps"
"Apps" are great fun, what harm could they do, they're all provided by the
site? This isn't true. Many "apps" are developed by individuals and
companies external to the social network you're using and they often re-use
code segments from other apps. As such, there's no guarantee the apps you're
using are simply there for your enjoyment and aren't harvesting your data.
Now some harvesting is done for legitimate marketing and research purposes,
but some of it is also done with not so innocent intentions. Be wary and don't
download/install/add the "app" unless you really need to.
8. Avoid Location Based Services
I know they're the new up and coming "thing," but I personally don't like
the idea of having my movements tracked, even if it means I save a few quid
at Starbucks. Again, like point 6, you don't know who else has access to the
information and who knows if the terms of service might change at some point
in the future?
9. Check Your Settings
All of the current social networking sites come with some form of privacy or
security settings. Now these might seem confusing and a bit pointless, but
it's worth taking some time to go through and understand them to ensure you're
protecting yourself to the best of your abilities. If you need help, then
see if there's an FAQ, speak to someone who understands how they work or
simply stay off the site. Either way, make sure you have the settings at the
level you feel comfortable with, and that protects your data.
10. Never Post Anything Sensitive
The last point is almost the same as point 2, but here we're emphasizing the
need to avoid posting potentially sensitive personal or business information
which could cause you or your company/employer harm. This could be something
as innocuous as a tweet saying "Off to meet XYZ corp now, back in an hour."
There is the potential that this could be privileged information and might
allow your competitors to see who you're dealing with, or who your clients
are. It could provide them with a competitive advantage or it could land you
in trouble with your bosses, regulators or courts, depending on the issue at
Now all of this might seem a little to paranoid for some of you, but if
"they" are out to "get you" surely it's not paranoia!?
Regards Gerald Crawford
Webcraft.ws Stellenbosch
PO BOX 12216 Die Boord 7613 Stellenbosch South Africa
Telephone: +27-021-8833027 (office)
Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile)
SMS: 0796343545
Skype: webcraft.guru
Fax: 0865657300
After Hours: 0881242372
Website: http://www.webcraft.ws
E-mail: gerald@webcraft.ws
Yahoo: webcraftguru@yahoo.co.za
Blog: http://webcraftws.blogspot.com/
Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru
This e-mail (and any attachments) contains information which is confidential
and may be legally privileged and protected from disclosure. It is intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and
others authorised to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient of
this e-mail or any parts of it please telephone +27-0720390184 immediately
upon receipt.
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