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What is Bad Internet Website Content.

What is Bad Internet Website Content.

This is generally a subjective assessment, but some or all of the following
elements will be evident within the website:

* Duplicated from your other website/s, and competing in the same web space.

* Copied from a similar site and passed off as yours.

* Homogenized content - finding a series of top-ranking pages from
authoritative sources, and blending them together into a new page for your

* More images than words, or words embedded in images.

* Content generated by JavaScript, Flash or Frames.

* Dominated by vaguely worded, non-explicit, warm and fuzzy drivel from
branding and marketing pitches.

* Word-for-word product descriptions copied verbatim from the manufacturer.

* Lack of precisely targeted content that fails to fill a defined search

* Doorway pages - specifically produced to target a series of keyword
phrases but bereft of intrinsic merit.

* Page and image file names are cryptic, devoid of explanatory keywords.

* Riddled with mis-spelt words, grammatical errors and incorrect

Basically, if you can't present your subject (products or services) in an
intelligent and articulate manner, and accurately define precisely what the
point of the page is, and what it contains, its inevitably going to be seen
as substandard and confusing content.

If you "borrow" extensively from other people's creative content, at best
you are immediately second best. At worst, you are clearly guilty of:

* Copyright violation
* Theft of intellectual property
* Plagiarism

WHY would anyone expect Google to reward them for that???

Regards Gerald Crawford Stellenbosch
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