While its important to recognize the kinds of items the search spiders
enjoy, it is equally important to acknowledge what sorts of things do not
assist search engine spiders. Each of the following items have their place
in web design, but they will not help a website perform well in organic
searches. In fact, at this point in time, search engines do not spider any
of the following...
A graphical image can not be interpreted by a search engine. While it's true
that search engine spiders may use the image "name" and its "alt tag" in an
attempt to understand what the graphic relates to, the image itself is not
visible to search engine spiders.
Frames create roadblocks for search engine spiders. Search engines are
unable to spider content contained in a frame, regardless of its format. As
such, you should avoid using frames on any pages that contain important
Flash images and animations cannot be spidered. Search engines have no way
of discovering what is contained in a flash file. Always include links to
non-flash alternatives, which can be followed by the search engine spiders.
Javascript Navigation
Javascript navigation simply can not be followed by the majority of search
engine spiders, and it is unlikely that this will change any time soon.
Avoid using and relying on javascript menus for website navigation.
Feed the search engine spiders by creating content that is relevant, timely,
and unique. If you provide search engine spiders with websites that they can
easily follow and consume, your website will increase its chances of ranking
well in organic search results.