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Showing posts from September, 2013

Anchor Text "Best Practices" For Your Website

Now that you know how important anchor text is to your rankings, I'm sure you will want to pay more attention to it in your SEO efforts but you don't want to go hog wild and create tons of anchor text backlinks all with the same keyword phrase or you might find that your efforts don't yield the results you want. Here are some things to consider: 1. Vary Your Anchor Text - We all know that Google prefers it when people link to you naturally and when that is the case, they don't all use the same anchor text. So, when you are linking to your site from your articles or web2.0 properties you want to make sure you don't always use the same phrase as well. Using your target phrase in about 50% - 60% of the links is probably a good idea. 2. Links From Relevant Pages - For the best results, you want your anchor text backlinks to come from pages that are related to your topic. This is what would happen naturally if people were linking to you and...

How Bloggers Use Anchor Text

Bloggers and website owners use anchor text naturally to point to other pages on their website as well as pages on other sites that they find relevant to what they are blogging about. You've probably even done this yourself when writing a post where you referenced another post on your site, an affiliate product or even a post on another site. Usually a blogger will use a phrase that indicates what the page is about in the anchor text, as opposed to a url, so that the sentence reads correctly. The anchor text in these links helps both the visitor and the search engine spiders figure out what the 'linked to' page is about. my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today." Regards Gerald Crawford Stellenbosch South Africa Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile) E-mail:

How Search Engines Use Anchor Text

Search engines use anchor text to help them figure out what the hyperlinked page is about. So, as you can see, getting anchor text backlinks with relevant phrases in the anchor text is pretty important if you want the search engines to rank you for a particular keyword phrase. In fact, anchor text is such an important factor in ranking a page that pages can rank for a keyword phrase even when that phrase does not appear in the url on the page! There are several cases where this has happened, but perhaps the most famous is where the Adobe Reader download page ranked number 1 for the search term 'click here' for many years even though those words were nowhere on the page. So many people had linked to that page using the anchor text 'click here' that it got to the number 1 spot without any on page SEO for the term. Search engines place a large importance on external anchor text (links coming in from other sites) and some importance on internal ...

What Is Anchor Text?

What Is Anchor Text? Anchor text is the hyperlinked text you see on a webpage. It is the visible words that you can click to take you to another page. Anchor text html code looks like this: <xmp><a href=" ">Your Anchor Text</a></xmp> On most websites, you typically see this as blue text that is underlined and when you click on it with your mouse, you are taken to the corresponding url. my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today." Regards Gerald Crawford Stellenbosch South Africa Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile) E-mail:

WordPress Website Development

Content Planning and Structure Planning how you will structure any WordPress website build and how you will make use of different content types is crucial to the site's success. By taking the time to consider your options at the beginning, you will save time, headaches and possibly money too. It's tempting to jump straight into installing WordPress and firing up a code editor, without taking the time to consider what the site should contain. Avoid that temptation. Keep in mind that a website's success depends on its content, so you need a very solid understanding of what content will be displayed on the site, how it will be structured, and how users will interact with it. Four questions to help you structure your content: Some clients will not have given much thought to the site's content yet, whereas others will have a detailed content plan. Either way, there are specific questions you can ask that will help you work together to ensure ...

Put QR Codes on items to give your customers more information

QR codes are 2-dimensional codes that you can create and print on documents such as marketing materials and even business cards. Then using a QR scanner app on a handheld phone, the customer can get more information directly on their handheld device (perhaps taking them directly to a Web page). You might use QR codes to provide more product details or even coupons and discounts. my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can be done today." Regards Gerald Crawford Stellenbosch South Africa Cell: +27-0720390184 (mobile) E-mail:

Practical Tips: Stay Current With Your Web Audience

No matter how smart you fancy yourself to be, no matter how much you think you know your demographic, humble yourself each month and do some homework. Trends change, and depending on your industry, trends can literally flip-flop overnight. Many marketers use their intuition, or trusted hunches, to make key planning decisions. If you don't have data to back up what your gut tells you, any efforts you launch could be a complete waste of time and money. To that end, here are some easy and helpful ways to get inside the minds of your customers: Within every customer base are a handful of vocal, socially prominent users. Follow your top fans, engage with them socially, and study what common threads you see among these users. Read top industry blogs and news sites for you niche, and draft content marketing strategies around current key issues and ideas. Every time you're ready to draft new content, Google the topics, and study not just the popularity...