Want to get into the top 5 of either Google or Yahoo? Make sure your website
contains the top 10 factors for deciding a top search engine ranking.
It does not matter if you have the cure for cancer, if nobody knows about it
you are not going to make any money. A top search engine ranking in either
Google or Yahoo is the surest way for buyers to find your products so you
can become a wealthy marketer. Google and Yahoo are responsible for about
80% of all search engine traffic in the world.
Make sure your online business or website contains these top 10 factors used
for determining sites with a top 5 search engine ranking in Google and
Factor #1: Number of Quality Sites that Link to Yours
Google and Yahoo put a lot of significance on how many quality sites link
back to yours with a page rank of at least 4 and above. This is probably the
most important factor when considering a top search engine ranking.
When search engines see lots of important sit...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?