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Showing posts from June, 2015

22 June 2015 - Companies warned of new .sucks and .bank domains

Imagine the website in the wrong hands. With new generic top-level domain (gTLD) .sucks being rolled out soon, companies are advised to ensure their trade marks are adequately protected. Donvay Wegierski, trade mark specialist at Werksmans Attorneys, said .sucks, which is aimed at creating online space for consumers to share opinions about businesses and brands, creates risks for businesses beyond giving unhappy customers a space to share negative opinions. Another danger comes from cyber-squatters, a term that describes opportunists who register domain names in bad faith. Cyber-squatters can include competitors, extortionists and opportunists who use misappropriated domains to point to other websites containing illegal or inappropriate content. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which oversees the internet domain naming system, creates new gTLDs to increase competition and choice in the domain name space. A...