Website technology is constantly evolving. That is because website redesign
is a necessity especially for businesses whose brand, label, products, and
services rely on online marketing and whose customers, leads and prospects
are mostly online. The question to ask yourself while looking at your
website is, does it need a virtual makeover? Here are the top indicators:
Website Isn't Parallel with Your Business
Ask yourself these questions:
Does your website accurately reflect your brand?
Have you ever changed your logo?
Is your website still designed to accurately represent your current
customers or clients and prospects?
If you answered NO to questions 1 and 3 and if you answered yes to question
2, then it's high time for a redesign.
Unclear and Outdated Content
Does your website offer high-quality, relevant content?
Is your company's mission, vision and objectives accurately represented by
your website?
Is your logo consistent with your ...
Do you want a professional, fast, interactive, easy-to-use, profitable website?